Business Financing

Customised fast business solutions

Fast Business Loans

Our client needed to raise funds to build a shop mezzanine, shed, purchase racking and build an outside storage facility, to house their recently purchased stock and equipment.

Our client needed an outside the box solution quickly and re-mortgaging the property proved to be difficult and slow.

We found a solution by raising the funds required for the work against their current unencumbered vehicle fleet over a term of five-years. We were able to improve the value of the property – without taking a mortgage over it.

Customised quick business solutions

Quick Business Loans

When a long-term client had an engine failure in one of their trucks, they needed it back on the road quickly.

Berra Finance assisted by raising funds against the truck itself to fund a reconditioned engine and payout the existing loan.

Funds were paid quickly to Cummins for the replacement engine and to the bank to finalise their existing loan. Talk to us today if you need to unlock capital in your vehicle fleet or raise funds.

Need Help With Quick Business Loan Solutions? We Are Experts!

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