business Financing

Small Business Financial Solutions

Small Business Loan - Butcher

A relatively large wholesale butcher supplying meat to restaurants and cafes was experiencing significant growth in new business.
This meat supplier is a new business with sales projected to reach $3M in year two from a standing start, hence debtor finance was the ideal choice to provide the necessary working capital to support the projected rapid growth in domestic sales.

meat, beef, steak
Small Business Financial Solutions

Food Wholesaler Loans

This food wholesaler had established a strong customer base using funding from a traditional overdraft.  However, the continued growth of the business and an ability to take advantage of discounts from bulk purchases was being impacted by the limit of the overdraft.

The owner recognised that Debtor Finance offered more flexibility in that the facility limit grows with the sales, and would therefore be a better funding vehicle for supporting the ongoing growth of the business. He also saw benefit in the additional collections’ activity (statements and reminder notices) which the Debtor Finance facility provides, as a means of shortening the time it was taking for invoices to be paid.

Small Business Financial Solutions

Small Goods Business Loan

When this specialist small goods company realised, they were outgrowing their factory and having to turn away orders, they committed to an ambitious expansion plan that they knew would stretch their cashflow and require a review of their funding arrangements.

They were getting so much interest in their products; it was very frustrating having to turn away business due to limited capacity.
A small business loan was established that allowed the business to expand their factory while also purchasing autonomous production packing equipment. The business was able to increase business turnover by 70%, all while the business operated its normal hours.

Small Business Financial Solutions

Small Business Wholesale Finance

This food wholesaler was looking to fund the substantial growth they have been experiencing in the last two years. After looking at different banking options, they consulted with their accountant, who introduced them to us to find a solution.
After looking at different banking offerings they preferred the option of debtor finance. To fund their growth without the need to offer residential real estate security certainly appealed to the director of the business.


Small Business Financial Solutions

New Business Loan

This newly formed glass supplier and installation specialist was seeking a cashflow solution to keep up with creditor payments and fund the new business. A number of associates recommended an unsecured business loan. As this injected quick cashflow into the business. The flexibility of the business loan and the ability to redraw in the future should extra funds be required was the ideal way to stay on top of accounts payable and fund new orders. The flexibility of unsecured business loan and no requirement for real estate security made it an attractive funding option.

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